Inward Bound
Division X

Division X

Inward Bound – not just for ANU students!

Do you want to relive your college glory days? Are you an avid rogainer, orienteer, or runner on the hunt for a new adventure? Do you think you know your way around a map and compass? Division X is the thing for you!

This year, we hope to offer two Division X courses: a high drop of approximately 70-90 km, and a low drop of approximately 45-75 km.

Please note that there will not be an exclusive Division X drop site this year, and you will be dropped with competing residential hall teams. The Race Directors will place your team in the most suitable Division based on navigational ability and also to accommodate logistical factors. 

There MAY be limited spaces for Division X due to a large number of EOIs. We recommend you get in your entries early, so we are able to confirm and accommodate your entry. We will work to accommodate all teams, but this may not be possible, so first entries will take priority. You will be notified by 1 September of your entry details, and if successful will be generated an invoice to pay to secure your team entry.  You can sign up before 28 August 2024 by clicking on the link to the sign up form below.

Drop the scouts!?

Division X is open to teams of 2-4 participants, making it easier than ever to participate in Inward Bound.
If you haven’t got a team together, no stress! Individuals are welcome to register their interest to be placed in a team.


To qualify to run Division X, you must:
– Demonstrate a strong level of running and navigational ability. To run the low drop, at least two members of your team must complete a bush-based rogaine of at least 5 hours in length in the calendar year of the event to an adequate standard. To run the high drop, you must further complete one additional rogaine of at least 3 hours in length.
– Be an ANU student or ANU Sport member on the 11th and 12th of October. ANU sport offers a special Inward Bound Membership for $20 if you are not already a member.
– Ensure that at least one member of your team holds a basic first aid qualification (HLTAID011 or equivalent).
– Not run under the banner of or wear merchandise affiliated with an ANU Residence on the day of the event.
– Agree to abide by the Inward Bound Race Rules.
– Cover the cost of your own entry ($300 per runner).